

Getting Started

  1. How can I learn to use the open access NMR spectrometers?
  2. When should I get my own NMR account?
  3. How can I get my own account to use the open-access NMRs?
  4. How do I reserve time on the Biomolecular NMR Facility Spectrometers?

  1. How can I learn to use the open access NMR spectrometers?
    Normally you should get initial instruction in how to run the NMRs from someone in the research group you are joining who is already a qualified user. In the event that there are no qualified users who can help you get started, contact
    facility staff for assistance


  1. When should I get my own NMR account?
    As soon as you feel that you are ready to run your own NMRs without direct supervision, with or without a "cheat sheet", you should get checked out for your own account. Until then, you should operate the NMRs only under the supervision of a qualified user.


  1. How can I get my own account to use the open-access NMRs?
    Send email to giving your name, email address, which research group you are joining, and indicating that you wish to be checked out.

  2. How do I reserve time on the Biomolecular NMR Facility Spectrometer?
    Scheduling is done on a monthly basis. For reservations, please contact Xuemei Huang
  3. Scheduling and Using the NMR Spectrometers in NSB

    • The minimum period for reserving a spectrometer is 24 hours.
    • Each reserved period starts promptly at 9:00am on the day of the reservation.
    • User charges are based on the reserved time rather than computer login time for all spectrometers. 
    • Time reservations must be cancelled at least 48 hours in advance in order to avoid being charged for the time.
    • If you cancel your reservation less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to start, then you are responsible for finding another user to assume your time reservation, or you will be charged for your time.
    • Any change or cancellation to your reservation requires email notification sent to specifying the persons, groups, and times involved.  If no notification is given, you will be billed for your reserved time whether you use it or not.
    • All users are responsible for saving and backing up their own data. The facility does not archive user data, and the disks are periodically purged of data.








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